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Coaching, Learning and Consultancy

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Stimulo Consultancy


Our approach - we see consultancy as a value-added offer to organisations that need to build capacity and enhance existing teams through the use of objective and credible external partners. Delivery of outcomes and impact are important and we are careful to work with clients that understand and reflect our own ethos and where there is a clear skills match. Whether the project is a short term or a long term one the building of effective and strong relationships is key to us.


Our offer - we offer consultancy in a number of areas:


Project management – our lead consultant Steve Bailey is highly experienced in leading significant and large projects from premises rationalisation to major IT infrastructure transformation. He is skilled in working across multi-organisational multi-disciplined teams bringing people together to drive results within budget and timescales.


Leadership and strategic development – we support small and large businesses and teams in strategic planning and offer interventions from senior team development to business plan and bid writing.



"Steve is a strong leader and displays complete focus on what needs to be achieved. He is able to balance a likeable personality with the ability to be challenging and tough when necessary and this helped him gain respect from the programme team and the key stakeholders."


"Steve drove a one team approach across the business teams and supplier organisations bringing people together to achieve successful delivery outcomes."